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Institute for German and European Company and Commercial Law

Christian Heinze, LL.M. (Cantab.), Dr. iur. (Hamburg), Professor of Law

Civil Law, Commercial Law, European Law and Comparative Law


Prof. Dr. Christian Heinze – Institut für Rechtsinformatik – Leibniz  Universität Hannover

Institute for German and European Company and Commercial Law

Institut für deutsches und europäisches Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsrecht
Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Friedrich-Ebert-Platz 2
69117 Heidelberg
Tel.: +49 (0)6221 54-7583
E-Mail: christian.heinze@igw.uni-heidelberg.de

Research Interest

Civil Law, with particular emphasis on Tort and Property Law

European and International Private and Procedural Law

Competition Law, Intellectual Property Law and Information Technology Law


Publications/Recent additions

The article "Der neue Schadensersatzanspruch für Verbraucher bei UWG-Verstößen", [EN: “The New Compensation Claim for Consumers in cases of unfair competition violations"] by Christian Heinze and Andreas Engel was published in NJW 2021, 2609 on 2nd Sep 2021.

The article "Der Dieselskandal und das Unionsprivatrecht" [EN: "The Diesel Scandal and Union Private Law"] was featured in ZEuP 2021, 497 on 5th August 2021.

The article "Der Inhalt des Schadensersatzanspruchs: Die Perspektive des Unionsrechts" [EN: "The Substance of Compensation Claim: Union Law Perspective [angle]“] was published in the volume Die Reform des französischen Haftungsrechts im europäischen Kontext by Stefan Huber/Jens Kleinschmidt, (pp. 109-125) on 31st July 2021.

The article "Internationale Zuständigkeit, Probleme grenzüberschreitender Verfahren" [EN: "International Jurisdiction, Issues with Cross-Border Procedures“] was published in the volume Der Wettbewerbsprozess [EN: "Competition Law"] by Ahrens, (Chapter 15, pp. 304-345) on 29th July 2021.

The commentary on §§ 1-5 PatG (new edition) by Christian Heinze in BeckOK IT-Recht was published on 13th March 2021.

The article "Patent Law and Climate Change - Do We Need an EU Patent Law Directive on Clean Technology?" was published by OUP on 17th January 2021 and in GRUR Int 2021, 554 on 1st June 2021.

A comment on BGH, Urt. v. 3.9.2020 - III ZR 136/18, LMK 2021, 435916 on the consequences of an incorrect provision of information appeared on 31st January 2021.

The revision of §§ 929-984 BGB by Christian Heinze in the Staudinger Commentary on the German Civil Code was published on 16th December 2020.

The 3rd edition of the Großkommentar on the German Unfair Competition Law (UWG), Volume 1 with a contribution by Christian Heinze on European Competition Law (pp. 103-340) was published on 23rd November 2020.

The Festschrift (Liber Amicorum) dedicated to Jürgen Taeger with a contribution by Christian Heinze on patent infringements through the development, application and dissemination of artificial neural networks was published on 26th October 2020.

The Legal Handbook Künstliche Intelligenz und Robotik[EN: “Artificial Intelligence and Robotics”] with contributions by Christian Heinze on AI and Copyright (in collaboration with Joris Wendorf) and AI and Patent Law (in collaboration with Andreas Engel) was published on 30th September 2020.


Third-party funded research projects

BIAS – Bias and Discrimination in Big Data and Algorithmic Processing. Philosophical Assessments, Legal Dimensions, and Technical Solutions (grant); for more information see: link

Law, Science and Technology Joint Doctorate - Rights of the Internet of Everything 

Workshop: The Effects of Automated Decision-Making

Interdisciplinary Laboratory for the Future of Society and Labour, including the own subproject “Legal Requirements on the Explainability and Transparency of Automated Decision-Making”

NoBIAS - Artificial Intelligence without Bias (grant)

International Study and Training Partnership: Providing of Scholarships for the exchange programme between Leibniz University Hanover and Kyushu University, Japan, within the LL.B. Programme (DAAD [EN: German Academic Exchange Service], completed)

“Bachelor Plus“ Programme: International Scholarships for Participants of the LL.B. Programme “IT Law and Intellectual Property Law” at Leibniz University Hanover (DAAD [EN: German Academic Exchange Service], completed)


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Latest Revision: 2022-10-03
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