
Beitrag von Prof. Dr. Frank Meyer, LL.M. (Yale) zum Thema "Whistleblowing und transnationale Strafverfolgung" in "Kölbel (Hrsg.)/Whistleblowing"

Neue Publikation

Law enforcement and judicial cooperation in criminal matters von Prof. Dr. Frank Meyer, LL.M. (Yale) in "EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement" von Kübek/Tams/Terhechte 

Neue Papers

Zwei neue Papers  in der JMN EULEN WORKING PAPER SERIES von Prof. Dr. Frank Meyer, LL.M. (Yale) im Rahmen von EULEN

The Rule of Law in the Enforcement of EU law: Shortcomings and future standards - WP Series No. 18 - 23

Functions and Constitutional Dimensions of Effectiveness - WP Series No. 19 - 23

Neue Publikation

Chapter 4: Criminal law enforcement of EU law and the impact of Europeanization von Frank Meyer und Dimitrios Tsilikis im Research Handbook on the Enforcement of EU Law (Edited by Miroslava Scholten)


Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Gerhard Dannecker

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  Tel.: +49 (0)6221 54-7448
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  E-Mail: dannecker@jurs.uni-heidelberg.de 




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